Contact Us

If you are interested in integrating with any of our Gamma's APIs please contact your Business Development Manager (BDM) who can guide you through the setup process. Please utilise the "New API Access" template below to provide the necessary information that will allow us to process you request faster.

If you are experiencing an issue, in the first instance please review the available API documentation as it is designed to be self-serve. If the API and documentation is not functioning as intended please utilise the "Reporting A Fault" template and raise this with your Business Development Manager. If you have a requirement that the API does not currently satisfy please raise the suggestion to your BDM.

New API Access

Information Required Description
Desired Username This must be between 6 and 20 alphanumeric characters.
Roles The API(s) that will be consumed. The list of available APIs are as follows:
Environment UAT (Testing platform), Production (Live) or Both.
Email Address This will be the primary contact email address for outages, password resets and debugging. Ideally the email will be monitored and in a position to provide technical details
Contact Name This is the first and last name of the key contact. This person will likely be contacted in the event of outages, password resets or errors.
Client A list of client references access is required for. If in doubt this can be confirmed by the business development manager. The Client reference should be in 4400XXXX format.

Reporting A Fault

Information Required Description
API Which API are you using? For example SIP, Inbound.
URL Which URL are you sending data to and which method are you using? For example POST, GET etc.
Headers What headers are you sending? This should not include any passwords as we can see failures on password from our internal monitoring tools.
Request Body If applicable, what request body are you sending? Please omit or star out any passwords included in the request body.
Time Stamp When did you last receive the error?
Environment Is this on UAT or Live?
Response Message What response message did you get back from the API? Please include this if applicable.
Anything else? Please include anything else that you feel would be relevant to help the technical support team replicate and diagnose the problem.